Lifestyle Tips

  • 15 iPhone Photography Tips Everyone Should Know

    As a blogger I spend way to much time on the Internet and social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, StumbledUpon... Well, you get the idea. For many years Iresisted the urge to...Read More

  • You’re Never Too Old

    “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” C. S. Lewis. Do you ever wonder if you're too old to wearthat dress, hat or bikini? You're not! You're never ...Read More

  • What I’m Doing Now

    Friends, clients, readers and media contacts often ask what I'm up to at the moment. So I'm hoping this page will keep you up...Read More

  • Travelling Light Through Life

    The uncluttering movement is gaining momentum because we are all weighed down by stuff. What was a fringe movement has...Read More

  • Are You Daring Greatly?

    Daring greatly isn't just about taking on physical adventures like skydiving, running challenges or muddy obstacle races. Often...Read More

  • The Happiness Project Review and 23 Takeaways

    Although Gretchen Rubin, her book The Happiness Project and her blog have been on my radar for years I've never read her ...Read More


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