Lifestyle Tips

  • Laptop Review: Asus ZenBook Flip on the Road

    No one likes to feel trapped, which is probably why I don’t work at a desk anymore. When I’m travelling...Read More

  • How to Believe in Yourself

    So many things are internalised during our childhood that we remain largely unaware of what drives us to start something, to keep trying or to give up, sometimes even before...Read More

  • A Healthy Weekend

    Friday night finds me in bed at 8pm. There are six weeks left in my teaching qualification and, after 10.5 months of reading, workshops and assignments interspersed with 15...Read More

  • How to Raise Adventurous Kids for Fearful Mums

    The thought of my kids doing some of the things I did when I was younger makes me shudder. Hitch-hiking, being flashed at or moving to the other side of the world where they...Read More

  • Other People CAN Help You Change Your Habits: Here’s How!

    Want to change your habits for better health? Maybe you'd like to drink more water? Start meditating? Or exercise more? Spending time with like-minded people is a short cut...Read More

  • My New Writer Crush #1: Haruki Murakami and the Quotes I Love

    During a teppanyaki experience at the Bali Intercontinental last year, I was seated by a Swiss man. In case you're not familiar with teppanyaki it's a Japanese style of cooking where guests are seated around ...Read More


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