10 Funny Travel Stories
Seeking funny travel stories? Look no further. Here’s a round up of my top 10 funny travel stories and blog posts from the last two years.
Hopefully you find a few funny travel stories you haven’t read before and have some laughs. I’ll be back with more hot travel tips and stories soon.
Funny Travel and Personal Stories (in No Particular Order)
1. Funny Search Engine Terms
Funny people googling strange things.
2. Naked In Greece
Sleep paralysis leads to embarrassing over exposure while traveling on a Greek island.
3. The Problem With Aussie Birds
A travel story in which I try to capture the sound of a kookaburra’s call while traveling locally round my suburb in Queensland, Australia.
4. Heard the Joke About the Kiwis and the Sheep?
My daughter surprises me with her inability to recognise common farm animals after returning from 18 months traveling round Central America and living in the jungles of Costa Rica. It’s funny how travel shapes our world view.
5. Moving to Australia From Costa Rica and New Zealand and Online Shopping
How we ended up with more salami sticks than we could ever eat.
6. What Looks Like French Bread But Isn’t?
A funny case of mistaken identity while waiting to be picked up hitchhiking in Paris. This story will make the ladies think twice about travel in France.
7. Lessons From an African Witchdoctor
You have to read this travel story all the way through to find the funny bit and it’s more funny peculiar than funny ha ha. But that’s true of many funny travel stories and that’s why I love travel.
8. Puberty Bite: Talking About Puberty With Kids
A surprising and funny talk on a sticky topic.
9. Daylight Robbery in Australia
A travel story and warning in which I get robbed and stranded at the beach wearing a bikini a couple of sizes too small.
10. Funny Family Portraits
My siblings and I strike a pose with our parents in the early seventies. Not really a travel story but it is funny.
Looking for more funny travel stories? Check out the travel stories section. Not all of them are funny stories but most of them are.
What are your favorite funny travel stories?
Thanks! I had a good time reading these stories :)
Thanks for positive!