
  • Close Encounters of the Wild Kind in Cape Town

    If there is one city in the world that offers so much more than just fancy hotels and sprawling boulevards, it has to be Cape Town. Tourists continue to flock to one of South Africa’s largest...Read More

  • Mike’s Camp – A Perfect Place

    I cast away at Mike's Camp on Kiwayu Island in Kenya in 1992. My boyfriend and I had been traveling in Africa for four months and had spent the last month...Read More

  • My $10,000 Writing, Travelling and Dreaming Bonus

    Ultimate proof that it pays to dream and it pays to keep working towards your dream. This story will inspire writers, travellers and dreamers to keep doing what...Read More

  • Reasons To Be Cheerful

    I've been a bad mum. I shouted at my son because he was crying about not having an electric guitar, only an acoustic one. "Some people haven't...Read More

  • Lessons From An African Witchdoctor

    Everyone likes a story with a moral, something that teaches us a lesson. Look at how Aesop's Fables, like The Hare and The Tortoise, have stood the test ...Read More


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