55 Australian Travel Bloggers Hot Listed in 2014
The Australian travel blogging community is surprisingly small. Unless you take into account the fact that travel blogging is largely a labor of love, in which case it kind of makes sense. You see on the surface travel blogging sounds like the perfect job until you realise that it’s still a job and a poorly paid one at that.
Fortunately we travel bloggers aren’t driven by greed or motivated by money. We’re driven by the love of travel, writing and story telling. We love taking photos and sharing them. We love dreaming about travel and travel itself, even if it means many long hours spent in cramped economy airline seats, in transit at crappy airports and stuck at dusty roadsides.
We travel bloggers not only say we love travel we get out there, do it and document it online too.
So I want to celebrate Australian Travel Bloggers and continue my tradition of listing Australian Travel Blogs and Bloggers which I started in 2012 and continued in 2013. The lists are ever-changing because new travel bloggers pop up then vanish but you’ll see a few stalwart Australian travel bloggers who’ve been at it for years.
How do you get on the GITHS Australian Travel Bloggers list?
Last year I listed every single travel blog I could find but this time I’ve decided to exercise a bit of quality control. So the blogs below are not only recently updated they also have a reasonably professional blog design but, most importantly, they all make me want to read them and travel more. Because that’s what travel blogging is all about.
In addition:
- The travel bloggers must be based in Australian but not necessarily Australian – otherwise I would not be included (even though I’m not included any way since it’s my list!)
- They must be personal travel blogs but have global and universal appeal so it’s not just closest friends and family who’d want to read the travel blog blog.
However, many new Australian travel blogs (or new to me) have been added so the list has grown to 55 and is now in alphabetical order just to emphasize they’re not listed from best to worst.
The Australian travel bloggers list is a work in motion because these travel bloggers are slippery fish and, in some cases, it was hard to tell exactly where the travel blogger lived. If anywhere, because that’s what traveler bloggers are like.
Apologies if you’re not on the list because I noticed your blog hadn’t been updated for a while. You’ve got to keep blogging, that’s rule number one. And if you think you should be here or you know another Australian travel blogger I haven’t mentioned just add them in the comments below.
Australian Travel Blogs and Bloggers to Watch in 2014
1. A Glass Half Full
Travel writer Lee Mylne shares words and images about her travels near and far, and a few other musings on life and the world in general. She can be seen wrangling a wombat on her about page which is always a good sign. Twitter: Lee Mylne.
2. A Taste of Travel
Jenny loves exploring markets, trying new tastes and finding fabulous restaurants so if you like travel and food start here. It looks like Jenny’s had a fabulous time exploring Europe last year and all the photos of markets and people make me want to hit the hills too. Twitter: Atasteoftravel
3. Aerohaveno
Tim Richards is a freelance travel writer who discusses interesting developments in travel, and shares his travel experiences on his travel blog Aero Haveno. Which sounds quite boring but is actually quite interesting – his post The Unpublished 16: Phillip Island for Adults got my attention anyway. Twitter: Aerohaveno
4. Bagni di Lucca and Beyond
Debra Kollka’s travel blog covers Brisbane, Bagni di Lucca and everything in between so if you want to run away to Italy here’s a good place to start.
5. Barefoot Beach Blonde
Oceana is a writer photographer, artist, nomad and barefoot adventurer originally hailing from the humid tropics of Australia. Twitter: BarefootBeachB
6. Bitten by the Travel Bug
Nicole is from Adelaide. She used to want to be an air-hostess but then she discovered blogging. Thank heavens. She only just makes it on this travel blog list saying she splits her time between Australia and the UK. Twitter: @nicoletravelbug
7. Bubs on the Move
A new blog by Danielle who’s based in Cairns and focusses on families travelling with a baby or small child. The blog highlights North Queensland, travel health, and travel tips.
8. Chasing the Wild
Lindsay Hodder is a Sydneysider currently residing once again in Sydney. She’s been writing her travel blog Chasing the Wild for over a year now and it is worth checking it out. Twitter: lindseyhodder.
9. Disarm Doors and Crosscheck
Ben Alcock lives in rural New South Wales, not too far from me in South East Queensland. He’s a traveller, story-teller, problem solver, game show contestant and dad.
10. Don’t Ever Look Back
Amy and Kieron are two fresh-faced young travelers from Melbourne who are on a mission to make travel fun. Which sounds like the way it should be. They visited Zimbabwe with me last year and have only written two blog posts but they’ve only written two blog posts about it so far and I’m looking forward to reading more. No pressure AmzKiz – well maybe a little bit! Twitter: @amzkiz
11. Eat Drink and Be Kerry
Kerry has a great blog name – and a great life too by the look of it. She lives in Brisbane too and focuses on fab foodie finds on her travels. We got to meet at an Australian Society of Travel Writers lunch late last year and she was lovely, friendly and fun. I like that. Twitter: eatdrinkbekerry
12. Frugal First Class Travel
Is frugal first class travel really possible? I wouldn’t have thought so but you can find out for yourself at Jo Karnaghan’s travel blog. Jo says the Frugal first class travel philosophy is to travel in the most luxurious way she can afford, at the cheapest price which makes sense. So go Jo. Twitter: jokarnaghan1
13. Going Anyway
An incredible traveling family of seven. Although they haven’t updated their blog since last year so they’re on my naughty list.
14. Her Packing List
Brooke and her team will help you pick the best travel bag, pack what you need and leave what you don’t. I missed Brooke in last year’s list and felt terrible because she’s great and so’s her blog. Sorry Brooke! Forgive me?
15. Hiking in Heels
Hiking in Heels is about the adventures of Leah, an American girl living, working and travelling in Australia who blogs about fashion, travel, and culture.
16. Housesitting in Australia
Nikki’s travel blog is a guide to house-sitting and a story of adventures on a budget. I might just follow in her footsteps when my kids fly the roost.
17. Indie Travel Podcast
Join Linda and Craig for your award-winning travel listening pleasure. Twitter: @indietravel
18. In Search of a Life Less Ordinary
By Russell, a British expat and writer living in Sydney by the ocean, who lived in Canada by mountains and snow, and writes about his search for a different way of life. Twitter: RussellVJWard
19. Joujet
I somehow missed Tash’s terrific blog from the list last year which was bad. Very bad. Tash lives in Melbourne where she does a lot of house-sitting, travel dreaming, travel planning and travel blogging of course. Tash seems to have a strange love of cricket but apart from that she’s quite lovely. Twitter: jouljet
20. Journey Jottings
Linda is a cartographer who makes the most gorgeous maps like the one pictured up top. Read Linda’s blog and drool over her pictures. If you’re planning a trip round Australia or looking for a gift for an Aussie traveler you can’t go wrong with a Journey Jottings map. Twitter: @journeyjottings
21. K Graham’s Journey
Karen left a comment on last year’s Australian travel bloggers round up post saying that she hoped I’d consider her for this year’s list. Ah! It feels so good to make her dream come true. Twitter: kgrahamjourneys
22. Little Aussie Travellers
Matt, Loreena and their kids are driving round Australia sharing travel tips and advice for exploring the lucky country. Maybe they will come and visit me in Noosa one day. Twitter: LittleAusTravlr
23. Little Grey Box
Can’t find out much about this travel blog but it looks interesting and hopefully the blogger is in Australia.
24. New Life on the Road
Lisa is sharing her new life on the road with her husband and five boys. That’s a lot of testosterone to contend with. She bought a bus on Ebay for their Australian overland travels. Brave lady. Twitter: @NewLifeOnRoad
25. Our Oyster
James is an Aussie and Jade is a Canadian expat who live in Brisbane and are now travelling with their new baby. I am glad that phase is over although at times it’s no picnic travelling with older kids either. Twitter: Our_Oyster
26. Paying Ready Attention
Mark is a bird-watcher, biologist, bush-walker, book lover and ex-pat from UK who lives in Melbourne. Twitter: Scmonck
27. Perth Daily Photo
A travel blog dedicated to showing the world the beauty of Perth, Western Australia by one of life’s optimists, Gracie.
28. Pretraveller
Anne wants to help travellers to plan their vacations, so they can depart and travel feeling confident and well prepared. Twitter: Pretraveller
29.Red Nomad Oz
I feel honored to know Red’s real name but I’m not telling what it is. Her epic travels around Australia make me want to hit the road too. Tourism Australia should be paying this woman handsomely. Twitter: @rednomadoz
30. Rob Woodburn
Rob is a pro travel writer and an old hat with a tale to tell and a tall story or two as well. I’d love to design a spanking new WordPress blog for him to make him look as good as he is.
31. Rocky Travel
Michela helps passionate travelers like her make their travel in Australia a memorable experience. She’s got everything covered so independent travelers can get sorted and enjoy. Twitter: @rockytravel
32. SheGoes
Emma started her publishing career at the tender age of six, writing letters to the fairies that lived in the garden beside her Dad’s shed. So sweet. And now she blogs about travel and other loves.
33. Sweet Wayfaring
Joan shares photos about travels a day or two beyond the beautiful Blue Mountains in New South Wales where she lives and sometimes ventures further into the vast and beautiful land of Australia. The blog looks pretty amateur (sorry Joan, it’s not you, it’s Blogspot!) but the photos are super pretty. I loved the butterflies.
34. Sydney – City and Suburbs
Heaps of photos every day.
35. Sydney Eye
Another fun Australian photo travel blog offering an eye to ‘that which went before’. In other words a look at what Sydney used to look like in years gone by compared to today.
36. Sydney Kids Food + Travel
By Seana Smith, author of Sydney for Under Fives, mother of four and Scottish expat who knows Sydney inside out is funny too, which I love. Plus I got to design her blog so it’s double love. If you’ve got kids and they sometimes drive you a bit batty then you will love her too. Twitter: Seana_Smith.
37. The Aussie Nomad
Worldwide travel tips, blog posts and photos from a wandering Aussie who has found fulfilment on the road.
38. The Dropout Diaries
A Australian food and travel blog by Barbara, a career girl who dropped out, moved to Asia, found love and had a deliciously funny baby. We keep trying to meet but it never seems to happen. Maybe this year will be the year. Twitter: DropoutDiaries.
39. The Global Goddess
The mysteriously anonymous Global Godess (hello Christine!) is an award winning editor and journalist who has spent 23 years working on newspapers and magazines in Australia, Hong Kong, London and Singapore. She writes about travel from a single woman’s perspective and in person she’s a right laugh.
40. The Life That Broke
Former Jersey Shore girl with a knack for wordslinging (yup, you read that right) and sharing her love for travel with the world.
41. The Road to Anywhere
Dean Wickham is a self-confessed Australian travelholic (or should that be travelaholic?!) who lives in Brisbane and travels when ever and where ever he can to experience as much of life as possible. Twitter: @roadtoanywhere.
42. The Travel Tart
Anthony says he doesn’t take himself too seriously but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t. Especially if you want to have a travel-themed laugh. Anthony also lives near(ish) me in Brisbane and we’ve met in real life a few times which was a real pleasure. Twitter: @thetraveltart
43. Travel With Bender
Travel With Bender seems like a funny name until you realise that it’s written by Erin Bender and cover her travels with the Bender family which includes a husband and two preschoolers. Erin, you give good blog. Twitter: travelwitbender.
44. Travel Wonders
Mark is another Sydneysider and committed Australian travel blogger who takes great photos. Twitter: TravelWonders
45. Travel Outback Australia
Gary and Amanda’s travel blog has advice from real outback locals for people who want to explore outback Australia independently. I know that will come in handy some time. Twitter: @TravelOutbackOz.
46. Traveller in Oz
Nikki is exploring Australia on her beautiful yellow Honda enjoying a journey through fascinating Australia which makes her highly eligible to be here on the list of Australian travel bloggers.
47. Travel Boating Lifestyle
Fiona Harper loves travel and boats. We met on a press trip in Japan and spent a happy half hour sitting naked in a Japanese hot tub with snow all around us talking about our travels. Fiona is widely traveled and published in print as well as on her own blog. She gets bonus points because she hired me and my husband to do her blog design and updates. Thanks Fiona! We love you. Twitter: @CareerGypsy.
48. Perth Walkabout
If you’re heading to Perth Nita Teoh and her team of travel writers will help you decide what to do and where to go with their insider’s guide to Perth. Twitter: PerthWalkabout.
49. We Go on Plane Now?
Grum and his partner in travel Kacey like sharing their travels and inspiring others with travel tips, deals and media which sounds good to me. Twitter: @grum
50. World of Wanderlust
Brooke Saward started blogging last year and she’s still at it. She’s a young Australian law student who wants to guide you on your first overseas adventure. Now if only Brooke had been around 25 years ago! Twitter: worldofwlust.
51. World Travel Family
Well traveled Alyson and family live in Post Douglas, Tropical North Queensland and blog about Australia and their overseas travels.
52. World Wandering Kiwi
Kiwi Natasha lives in Melbourne trying to make the pages of the atlas real one step at a time. Twitter: NvGtravels
53. Y Travel Blog
Caroline and Craig have traveled there, done that and are blogging it all. They’re from Australia and living in New South Wales right now. Twitter: @YTravelBlog
54. ZigaZag
Last but definitely not least Johanna Castro has lived in 11 different countries and visited many more but her travel blog is mainly about South West Australia where she lives – not so very far from Perth. Twitter: JohannaACastro
But wait! There’s one more…
55. Me – Annabel Candy at Get In the Hot Spot
Proud holder of British and New Zealand passports, Australian resident living in Noosa, Queensland and travel blogger since 2009. You can Subscribe to Get In the Hot Spot for weekly email updates with unique content I don’t share on the blog and find me on Twitter and Google+ too.

Annabel Candy: Australian travel blogger, Web designer, writer, shameless middle-aged bikini wearer and part-time poser.
Why I write the Australian Travel Bloggers list
After spending hours (or was it days?) compiling this list last year and then seeing it be stolen by a prominent blog (they just copies and pasted the whole list into their blog then added a few more travel blogs at the end) I decided not to do it again. But then I had second thoughts.
No one really recognises the passion and time that goes into travel blogs. The PR industry bombard us with spam, the travel brands focus on getting us to promote them for free and the tourism boards don’t seem to know what to do with us local Australian travel bloggers so they focus on the overseas bloggers instead. Which is crazy because most of our tourists are local Australians not overseas visitors.
So I’m doing this to wave the flag for Aussie travel bloggers and all you represent. I appreciate you. I thank you for sharing your passion and for your dedication to promoting travel and adventure. Australian travel bloggers of 2014 I salute you.
Please leave a comment if I missed your travel blog and you live in Australia, or if you know a travel blogger who lives in Australia and isn’t listed.
And of course if you like the Australian Travel Bloggers 2014 list please do share it on Twitter and Facebook. Thank you.
Which are your favorites Australian travel blogs or bloggers and who’s missing?
Usually I have a no links in the comments rule but let’s break the rules here – feel free to leave links, even if they’re to your own travel blog but only if you live in Australia. Otherwise we’ll be here forever.
Appreciate you putting this list together Annabel which is useful for all of us. Good to see more Aussie travel blogs coming to life!
Hi Craig, so glad you find it handy :)
It’s great that you changed your mind and decided to do this list again Annabel-thankyou. I echo your sentiments for doing so. When you see your list you realise just how many excellent Aussie travel blogs there are. Now to go and read those that are new to me!
Hi Jenny,
That will keep you busy – so many blogs to read :)
What a huge undertaking, Annabel. Thanks for taking the time to put such a comprehensive and well documented list together. Your descriptions of the blogs make me want to check them all out, and there are some new names in this year’s list that intrigue me. What a fabulous resource it should be for Tourism bodies and brands wanting to work with Aussie travel bloggers – I hope it gets spread far and wide and that many of these great bloggers benefit from the exposure (yourself included :) ) At the end of the day, travel blogging is a labour of love, you’re right. It’s a passion we all have – explore, discover, create, share – and repeat :)
Hi Johanna,
I’m sure it will be useful for Aussie/overseas travel destinations and brands that want to work with Australian travel bloggers and hopefully that will lead to some good opportunities for everyone.
Awesome list, Annabel! I already follow many of these blogs and get lots of travel inspiration from them.
I hope you’ll consider my blog in your list next year. My passion is travelling to Europe and I blog about my travels every week.
Hi Carolyn,
Gosh you should have been there this year. Of course I know and love your blog but I always think you’re based in Europe not Australia. Sorry!
I wish I was based in Europe, Annabel, especially on days like today (45C), but alas I mostly only get to visit for a couple of months each year.
Glad you like my blog just the same :)
Thank you for including me in your list! I feel very honoured. I love travelling between my homes in Brisbane and Bagni di Lucca in Italy and I have now been writing the blog for 4 years. I don’t think I will ever run out of things to write about.
Hi Debra,
Great to hear you still love travel blogging and have a few more posts up your sleeve :)
Exciting to see the list is slowly but surely expanding 25… 43… and now 55
And here’s another one for the pot –
Kristin has lived in Oz since 2008 so she fits the criteria:
Hi Linda,
Thank you for the addition – and for letting me use your beautiful map :)
Great list, Annabel. Several of them I recognised, including some of my favourites, but I also discovered lots of new blogs to go and check out too! Fingers crossed this time next year my blog will be ready to make the grade!!! ;-)
And here’s another Australian travel blog you may not have come across before, that I’ve enjoyed reading for years: roamingdownunder.com/.
Thank you Bonny, I will be checking it out.
Thanks Annabel for the list! Great to see Australian based blogs… I already follow a few of them including yours of course… To answer your question I would say that I follow yours and Y Travel Blog the most and are my motivators…
Hope I make it on the list next year as I only started in 2013 … but am still here which is my achievement of the year :)
Happy reading everyone….
Hi Frenchie,
I will definitely get you on the list next year as long as you keep blogging. And so happy to hear that you’re a dedicated Get In the Hot Spot reader. Much appreciated.
Thanks heaps and will do… you made my day when you get in touch last year so am still figuring it all out…
Thank you for including me in the 2014 list, Annabel. As always, a great resource to find other Aussie bloggers. :)
No worries Nicole – and happy travels wherever you may be!
Thanks, Annabel, for taking the time to read and understand my blog. This is a huge amount of work. Hopefully if it is used this year, it is with integrity.
Hi Jo,
You’re welcome and thanks for that support :)
What a great list. I hope that some of them will come to Adelaide in May for the first ever culinary travel blogging forum, Tasting Australia’s Words To Go – tastingaustralia.com.au/words-to-go.htm – featuring the wonderful Y Travel blog!
I hope you might also consider adding my own blog to your list next year.
Hi Amanda,
That sounds like fun. I’ll look out for my invitation ;)
I’m so honoured to have made the cut again this year – and OH so grateful you put this together. And yes, I was surprised to see the cut & paste of your list on the ‘other’ site (praise be they didn’t delete ME!) too. But maybe they (perhaps inadvertently) played right into your hands by doubling the exposure for us Aussie travel bloggers?! And maybe they’ll do it again THIS year, but with credit for you!!
Thank you so much for your support – and I’m glad you included yourself on the list this year!!
Hi Red,
Thank you for your support and glad to hear I wasn’t the only one that noticed the copy and paste offence. It happens a lot but it’s never cool.
Excellent list, some of my favourite and new one’s to discover; hopefully you will do it again next year and we might make it :)
Hi Contented,
I hope so – as long as you’re an Australian travel blogger there’s a good chance.
awesome list – I am going to check out some of these I don’t know. In the meantime you could check out mine – lifeimagesbyjill.blogspot.com.au
Hi Jill,
Thanks for being here – I will definitely be checking your blog out.
Annabel, thanks you so much for including the Pretraveller blog on your list again this year! Being included last year was great for the development of my blog and you have found a few more blogs for me to check out.
All the best for 2014!
Hi Anne,
Excellent :)
Thank you so much for including The Global Goddess in your list. There are some other terrific bloggers here, and I am honoured to be a part of it.
We’re honored to have you in our merry (and very well travelled) gang :)
What a great list Annabel! So many new (to me) blogs, will keep me busy for a while :)
Hi Aga,
That’s great to hear.
Big effort and great job, Annabel. Good to see some familiar faces and also the new kids on the block. Thanks as always for the inclusion :)
You’re welcome Russell
Hello Annabel,
A friend sent me the link to your amazing site. You certainly living a dream!
I’ve been writing my travel blog, which features our travels in Australia and overseas, for more than a year now. I like to feature every story I have on a particular destination in a series before starting on a new area and I enjoy sharing our photographs. theeternaltraveller.wordpress.com/
I also write a second travel blog purely for fun. It is a work of fiction and I laugh every time I write a new post. theadventuresofjustinbeaver.wordpress.com/
I hope you enjoy reading both blogs some time.
Hi Carol,
You’ve got a lot going on there and I love the sound of eternal travel. I will be checking your blogs out.
The Thoughtful Travel Writer (www.thoughtfultravelwriter.com) would be a good one to add to your list next year Annabel. It isn’t only about travel destinations, but ideas for reading, history of travel and philosophical ramblings on travel too.
But congratulations on taking the time to do this list, it must be very time consuming.
Thank you Brian, it sounds like a great blog :)
Great collection Annabel! You’ve introduced me to some great reads :) Have you seen the guys from Suitcase Stories? They’re an Aussie couple on the move and offer some great travel tips and house sitting guides.
Hi Charli,
No! That’s another Australian travel blog I need to check out.
I’m so glad you did this list again. I’m new to the blogosphere, and your 2013 list was the way I found many of the blogs I now follow. And I have added another 8 from the list (and comments) today.
I’ve only been blogging for a few months, but hopefully next year I might be considered for your list (please, please do it again next year, whether I’m on the list or not).
Hi Lucinda,
Thank you for the lovely feedback and welcome to the Aussie travel bloggers club :)
Really comprehensive ‘flag waving’ travel blogger list Annabel, thanks for including me. Love your work ! Hope you to catch you somewhere on the road in 2014 x
Hi Fiona,
We love working with you too and I would LOVE to travel with you again too :) Fingers crossed!
Hey Annabel,
Wow, great list!
Can I put my hand up? I’m from N Ireland, but have been living in Melbourne the past four years. My blog – Eco Traveller Guide – is an online ecotourism and green travel guide, and although I do write a lot about Australia it also covers worldwide destinations… so I hope I qualify!
It would be great to make the list next year!
Hi Linda,
You should be on there! I love your blog so that’s a terrible oversight :(
Hi Annabel,
What a great surprise! Thanks for including me on the list this year. I look forward to checking out all the other bloggers as well :)
Cheers, Karen
Hi Karen,
No worries :)
Hi Annabel,
Thanking you so much for sharing a wonderful list of Australia Travel Bloggers – I never ever realised that there were so many Travellers in Australia sharing about their journey.
Looking forward to connecting with them all :)
And thanks heaps for adding our blog to the list
Keep up the great work
Lisa xx
Will do Lisa and you too, you’re amazing :)
I would also like to recommend Andrew Bain’s blog:
Cheers, Karen
Thanks for adding one more travel blog Karen :)
So glad I came across this Annabel, Thankyou for putting it together, we are all part of such a wonderful community.. If you have a minute please check out my blog .. docholidayescape.wordpress.com
Hi Kim, I will check it out.
I enjoyed reading your selection. You have introduced me to some I didn’t know about and of course you have included a few of my own favourites in your list. I too have a travel blog about life in a RV on the Australian roads! Though life has thrown us a curve ball at the moment (I have a rare cancer), we are still using the time to convert a small bus into a motorhome ready for when i finish all my treatments! There’s no better place to recover than seeing Australia’s beauty!
You’ve found a wide range of Australian travel bloggers. Well done.
I hope next year we make it to your list.
…No. 56! Littlenomads.com ….or maybe Diveplanitblog.com which I’m starting to put more effort into :)
I’m also loving the idea of Jo’s new blog Lifestylefifty.com so I’m hoping she’ll accept a few guest posts from me this year as I hurtle towards my 50th birthday!
Great list Annabel, there’s a heap of reading for me here. It’s ironic that we miss so much great travel writing when we are away travelling.
I am so glad that you did this post again… I think a couple of companies copied the last one, in fact. But take it as flattery and continue regardless… great to have a pile of stuff to read including the ones in the comments.
But first… our last travel of the summer holidays! Look forward to reading your new series too.
Thank you Annabel for such an amazing list, highly appreciated! I have been following some of the blogs, but I was also happy to discover some new ones, cannot wait to check them all out :)
I am an expat journalist/blogger living in Brisbane and I also do a lot of travel stories (related to Australian and international destinations) on my blog, Lisy Writes. I hope it will make it to your list next year :)
Inspiration to get myself on the list.
Step one – create a blog.
Thanks so much, Annabel…what a list!
Would love to catch up for a coffee one day if you’re in the neighbourhood.
Happy travels!
Hi Annabel,
You might like to know about Mr and Mrs Amos. mrandmrsamos.com
I produce it with my husband Tony Amos and it’s all original content, specialising in superb slideshows and the luxury/cultural end of the market.We’ve got a very engaged group of subscribers, so please come and join us!
twitter @mrandmrsamos
instagram @bymrsamos
Facebook MR and MRS AMOS
hi Annabel
Thanks for the mention and for taking the time to put this list together. It’s fantastic to see so many Australian travel bloggers out there and I look forward to connecting with a few more new ones on the list.
Thanks for including me Annabel! I’ve only just noticed your list now … was a bit preoccupied at the beginning of this year with waiting for the baby to arrive and then dealing with him. So sorry I missed you AGAIN when I was on the coast. Next time we’ll meet for sure.
Thank you for putting in the hard yards to create this list Annabel. It’s very handy and there are some I hadn’t heard of.
I’d greatly appreciate it if you could add mine to the list as well (if you think it’s suitable).
http:// canonfootprints.com
Many thanks
Some great australia travel blogs here!
This is a great list of Australian travel bloggers and very helpful for everyone who loves reading Australian travel blogs.
Great list of Australian travel bloggers. As a new travel blogger I have found this post really helpful.Thanks for sharing.
I have travelled all over the world, but I have never hard as much fun as I did when I visited Australia.
Thank you Annabel for sharing a great list of Australian travel bloggers.
Great list Annabel. I love the fact that you added also a few lines comment for each one. It must have been a long work!!
It would be great if you can consider my website (MEL365.com) for next year.
What a great list of Australian travel bloggers. Thanks for sharing list with us. I am going to follow some of them.
good to read your travel blogs………………..thanks for the information
I am also a traveler and I always search for good travel info. Thanks for sharing a great list of Australian travel blogs.