52 Exercises: #5 Ice-Skating
While I am sweating out the Australian summer in soaring temperatures and energy-sapping humidity you northern hemisphere dwellers are probably freezing your buns off, cowering inside and eating constantly. I know that’s what I do during long winters in cold climates.
So to make things fair this week for our 52 Exercises quest I indulged in some cold weather activities which you may be able to try wherever you live.
The last time I went ice-skating it was for my 11th birthday party. Mum and Dad bundled six girls in the car with no seat belts and a few of us rattling round in the boot. Amazingly all got home safely with pink cheeks, a sense of dare-doing and no broken bones.
Now my kids wanted to try ice-skating too and happily the closest roller-drome also doubles up as an ice-skating rink in the summer months.
Coming in from that heat it certainly felt cold inside.
I’m a reasonable but cautious skater. I go slowly and try not to fall over because I’m terrified of breaking my brittle old bones. Still I was hoping that after a few circuits round the rink I’d start to warm up a bit. It was not to be so I spent two hours with goosebumps convincing myself that I’d warm up any moment.
The ice-rink played music and videos by bands like One Direction who I’ve heard of but never actually heard their music before. My mind wandered to natural ice-skating settings, dreaming of skating outdoors or on the canals of Holland where you could ice-skate for miles, not just potter round in little circles. Despite that we had fun.
I didn’t get much exercise and I forgot my heart-rate monitor but if you’re looking for some gentle exercise, something different and a fun activity you can enjoy with friends or family then ice-skating works. Just make sure you wrap up warm.
Ice-Skating Exercise Review

Looking a little knock-kneed as I creep round the ice-rink
Cost: $42 – for one adult and three kids including skate hire.
Time Exercising: 2 hour session although some of that time was spent squeezing into our ice-skates.
Average Heart Rate: Sorry, I forgot to wear the heart monitor but this was very gentle exercise. Like a slow walk.
Calories Burned: 2oo cals– I’m guessing – a bit better than being sedentary.
Fun Factor: 7/10 – It’s fun if you go with other people.
Fear Factor: 7/10 – This was a family crowd all going slowly so not too much chance of any horrible accidents.
Post-exercise Glow: 6/10
Have you ever been ice-skating?
Not for years! I used to love it when I was a kid, we’d go to Bristol ice rink every Sunday night for the disco session. No rink up here in the tropics unfortunately, no ski slope, dry or indoor snow, either. So that’s my two favourite sports out. There’s water skiing, but I don’t fancy it with the crocodiles!
Hi Alyson,
Lol, you’d better make time for it next time you get the chance. I’d definitely be avoiding the water skiiing in croc-infested waters too – that could ratchet the fear factor up a little bit too high :)
Great one, Annabel! Now you need to find a place to do indoor sledding or cross country skiing as those are about the only things you can do here in the lowlands of Minnesota. We just got another layer of nice fluffy snow last night, and with temps at 10 degrees F (about 20 degrees below freezing), you need to do something really vigorous out there, or losing part of your anatomy to frostbite is a serious possibility.
Hi Molly,
You know I really struggle to imagine what that’s like. Sounds like short, sharp bursts of activity outdoors are the only way – or maybe even that’s too hard and you just have to jump around indoors.
I’d be up for sledding and cross country ski-ing but it’s not going to happen round here and I suspect if I did it in your neck of the woods there would be way more time spend sitting round the fire drinking hot chocolates and hot toddies than there would be actually exercising….
Wrap up warm and fingers crossed spring will come early.
Yes — hot yoga and indoor tennis are what keep me sane all winter!
Ah, yes, that’s one I haven’t done for years, although, like you, I sort of meander around. What a great choice, though, on a hot Australian summer’s day. Hmm. I wonder if the boy would like to give it a go..?
Thanks for reminding me.
Cate x
Hi Cate,
It is a clever marketing ploy for over-heating Aussies :) Let me know if you manage to slot it in.
Hello Annabel, I haven’t been for so long!! There is a rink somewhere here in Sydney and I must go along some time and take the kids, they would like it. We occasionally used to skate on frozen ponds when we were kids in Scotland. And as teens the rink was a place to go on the pull. Ah yes, far away and long ago!!
Hi Seana,
Ah yes, the old roller discos were good…
It’s been eons since I’ve attempted ice skating. Problem was, I needed a 3rd skate for my bum. Now at my age I’m afraid to break a hip!
It would be more fun in the summer though, now that I think of it.
Love that picture of you!
Hi Barbara,
Lol, you’re hilarious. If you look at the top pic very closely you may see (on the right) a little plastic penguin for novice skaters to hang on to – ah the wonders of modern innovation…